Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"The Lavender Song" (Das Lila Lied), music by Mischa Spoliansky, lyrics by Kurt Schwabach (1920)

"Round us all up, send us away
that's what you'd really like to do
But we're too strong, proud, unafraid
in fact we almost pity you
You act from fear, why should that be
What is it that you are frightened of
The way that we dress
The way that we meet
The fact that you cannot destroy our love
We're going to win our rights
to lavender days and nights"

"Rund um uns alle auf, senden Sie uns weg
das ist, was Sie wirklich gerne tun
Aber wir sind zu stark, stolz, furchtlos
in der Tat haben wir fast bemitleiden Sie
Sie handeln von Angst, warum sollte das sein
Was ist es, dass Sie der sind verängstigt
Die Art und Weise, dass wir uns kleiden
Die Art und Weise, dass wir uns treffen
Die Tatsache, dass man nicht zerstören unsere Liebe
Wir werden unsere Rechte zu gewinnen
Lavendel zu Tage und Nächte"

    This song talks about the freedoms that we as Americans take for granted.  It talks about freedom of expression, however if you expressed something that the government didn't like you would be put in prison.  These people are saying that they rather be put in prison than not be able to express themselves.  If they are not able to express themselves they feel that they are in a prison already.  They are telling the government that no matter what they do, the public will always express themselves.  I picked this song because as Americans we take the first amendment for granted.  We grew up in a country where freedom of expression is a very serious freedom.  There are many laws that get over turned because and it is the basis of the country and keeping it a free democracy.  Without freedom of expression the government could try to take over our thoughts and be able to control what we do.  

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